Sunday, January 6, 2008

My Mind's Eye Sees Blessing

Old Testament fathers’
old tanned faces in the evening
and ancient eyes covered over with cataracts,
still see and prophesy as
their sun-spotty hands shake
and reach out and rest heavy
on the heads
and shoulders of their children
and grandchildren
and great-grandchildren,
standing still and pronouncing
blessing words,
and blessing
over them.

And I see my own Grandpa
not so ancient, who
got up from reading his newspaper
in the living room one evening
with a “Well Beckeeee!” and
wrapped his arm around
my shoulder saying “The Lord
bless you and
keep you”
and other good things
I don’t remember
because I was trying not
to cry.
And the next morning
with our tight tight hug
which could almost break
your ribs he was
standing still and pronouncing
blessing words
and blessing
over me.

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